After a couple years of silence on this blog, I’m back, not with food, but with hope for those who have suffered unexplained recurrent miscarriages and for any woman who is trying to conceive that might be concerned about their egg quality for any number of reasons. I have some things to share with you. As my daughter’s third birthday rapidly approaches, I’m filled with the same love, joy, gratitude, and wonder that filled me up the second she was placed in my arms for the very first time. But I have one burning question: what happened to the last three years? I remember our first year together flying past. Milestones were measured day to day, week to week, then month to month and clothing sizes changed so fast that some outfits were never worn more than once if at all. But within that rapid movement of time, there was a stillness that I didn’t understand or appreciate. It’s not until your child is completely mobile that you realize how slowly those first months actually passed. H...